Students are asked to wash their hands before a lesson begins.  Instruction will begin at your exact lesson time.

No extra time will be given to those who arrive late out of consideration for the next student who has reserved an exact lesson time.


Payments made after the second regularly scheduled lesson of each month will necessitate charging a $20 late payment fee.


There is a nonrefundable $25 recital fee for each individual student performing due the first lesson in October for the December recital and the first week in March for the May recital.  Performers should arrive fifteen minutes before each recital.  Infants and toddlers are NOT allowed in the recital room.  No one is allowed in the aisles or in back of the audience except in the case of an emergency or to take a photograph discreetly.  Performers must stay in their assigned seats before and after they play unless specific arrangements were made with the teacher in advance.  Please do not converse, turn off your pagers, turn off your cellular telephones and stay for the entire program, (except in the case of an emergency), out of respect for all the performers.


With sufficient notice, (at least 48 hours in advance) lessons which conflict with other special activities such as school programs or doctor appointments may be rescheduled at another time up to and including the last day of the Academic Year.  Each student may reschedule up to TWO private lessons with sufficient notice, (at least 48 hours in advance), or which are canceled due to an emergency.

Non-emergency cancellations, last minute cancellations and “no shows” will necessitate charging the full tuition for the unused time for regularly scheduled and rescheduled lessons.  Should a student need to cancel a private lesson with 48 hour notification or in the case of an emergency, there will be no adjustment of the tuition.  However, up to two lessons will be rescheduled up to and including the last day of the Academic Year.  Should the instructor need to cancel a private lesson with 48 hour notification or in the case of an emergency, it will be up to the teacher’s discretion whether or not the adult student or parent responsible for the tuition is reimbursed the following month for the canceled lesson or the lesson is rescheduled up to and including the last day of instruction for the Academic Year.


Registrations occurs the last 7 days in April. Students may register for the Academic Year by reserving a lesson time with a nonrefundable deposit, (which is your May tuition paid in advance). Students may register for a minimum of the equivalent of two hours of private instruction during the Summer Session by reserving a lesson time with a nonrefundable $85 deposit, (which will be deducted from your Summer Session tuition payment). All deposits are due before May 7th. Deposits are not refunded under any circumstances.


If a student wishes to withdraw from private lessons during the Academic Year, the adult student or parent(s) responsible for the tuition payments agree(s) to inform the instructor at least THIRTY calendar days prior to leaving the Karen Beecher Studio of Piano.

There will be no prorated adjustment of the tuition.  Likewise, should the instructor need to withdraw from teaching during the Academic Year, the instructor must inform the student at least thirty calendar days in advance. When the termination policy is honored, students may return to the Karen Beecher Studio of Piano in the future.


During the Academic Year, weekly private instruction will be offered Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday in the afternoon and evening as well as on Saturdays 10:30 AM - 4:30 PM. The Summer Session schedule is the same as the Academic Year.


Monthly payments are due on or before the first regularly scheduled lesson in August, September, October, November, December, January, February, March and April.  May is your nonrefundable deposit paid in advance.  Semester payments are due the first regularly scheduled lesson in August and January.  Checks should be made out to Karen Beecher as opposed to Karen Beecher Music or Karen Beecher Studio. Those who prefer to pay with cash will receive a receipt upon request. Others who wish to pay electronically, may make a direct deposit using my email address or telephone number with Zelle.


There is no mail delivery at the studio.  Correspondence must be mailed to 3312 Song Sparrow Drive Maryville, TN 37803.  Please leave a voice or text message at 602-300-9385.  Text messages will be read between lessons when time permits.  Voice messages will be listened to when I am not teaching.  All messages will be returned within twenty-four hours unless I am ill or out of town.

Enrolling in lessons indicates agreement to these policies. 

Studio of Piano Policies

Phone: (602) 300-9385


Karen Beecher