Karen Beecher

Phone: (602) 300-9385

Email: karenbeechermusic@gmail.com 

2020 Senior Graduation Performance

Students range from age four to eighty.

Students younger than six years of age must demonstrate the necessary finger dexterity, finger strength, hand eye coordination and attention span to get a return on the investment of money, time and energy required to become independent at reading music while playing the piano with correct technique and musicality. The goal at the Karen Beecher Studio of Piano is to assist each student in becoming a musical pianist who can read independently and has the technical skills to enjoy making music as a gift to his or her self for a lifetime.


Studio Announcements

Karen Beecher Piano Instruction

Mrs. Karen Beecher is the director of the Karen Beecher Studio of Piano, providing in person instruction at 3312 Song Sparrow Drive in Maryville, Tennessee, and online instruction to her students in Arizona, using Zoom. Since 1976, she has provided individual instruction in combination with teaching music classes at her private studios in Arizona, and the Peabody Conservatory Preparatory Department in Baltimore or Towson Maryland, as well as the University of New Mexico in Los Alamos.

She holds degrees in piano performance from the Crane School of Music, (at the State University of New York in Potsdam), and Peabody Conservatory of Music, where she completed her Master’s Degree Program. While at the Peabody Conservatory, she performed as a soloist with the Baltimore Symphony on different occasions.

Mrs. Beecher has been invited to adjudicate piano competitions such as the Phoenix Youth Symphony’s Annual Young Musicians Competitions and Music Teachers National Association Utah State Performance Competition.

She published “The Maison System Books I, II, and III” to help students learn the fundamentals of music reading. Her books were being used in all musicology classes when she taught at Bella Vista College Preparatory School.

  1. My Musicology Study Guide Levels I-V is available upon request for $25.

​She has prepared students to thrive in composition, accompanying, music education, piano pedagogy or piano performance degree programs at Brigham Young University-Idaho, Arizona State University, Cleveland Institute of Music, Oberlin Conservatory of Music, University of Arizona and Grand Canyon University.​

IF STUDENTS HAVE A DESIRE TO PERFORM, COMPETE AND ULTIMATELY AUDITION SUCCESSFULLY AT CONSERVATORIES OR UNIVERSITIES, they will be taught how to develop their talents to their fullest potential both technically and artistically with discipline, admiration and enthusiasm at the Karen Beecher Studio of Piano.